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Skylights: Let the Sun Shine!

It is that time of year again. The time when people are getting teased with warmer days, and are feeling sick of grey skies. As you consider ways to bring in the light, consider installing a skylight to your home. This blog post was originally published in August of 2014 and has been popular ever since. We are republishing it here today to a wider audience as it is ultra-relevant as we get close to spring and skylight installation in Vancouver, WA is on the rise.

Skylight Installation 101

Skylights may seem like a necessity in the long winter months in the Northwest. While they can’t do anything to change a gray Vancouver WA sky to a sunny one, they can completely change the brightness of a room. Even on gloomy days, adding a couple skylights can brighten up a room significantly.

Skylights also have an expanding affect, giving a room a larger, airier feeling. In fact, studies show that businesses with more natural light have an increase in productivity. The main thing to keep in mind when installing a skylight is not to go cheap. There are features that are fine to add or skip, but when it comes to quality and having the full skylight kit installed, do not skimp. A leaking or cracked skylight will end up costing more in repairs than you saved by going cheap.

Fixed vs. Vented

This is one of the features that is fine to go with whichever preference works for you—including the cheaper one (fixed skylight). The difference between the two is that a vented skylight opens and a fixed skylight does not. While there is not a huge difference in price you may want to consider the likelihood that you will actually make use of the venting feature if you opt for it.

The height of these “windows” makes them difficult to open. This is accomplished with a long rod. The problem is not only remembering where you left the rod, but also forgetting the skylight is open and heading to work on a dry day that turns into a rainy one. When considering whether to get a fixed or vented skylight, factor in your habits. Will you lose the rod? Will you forget to close the skylight before leaving for the day? Will you not bother to open it most of the time? If you know yourself to be someone who is good at these types of details, and you want the added ventilation a skylight offers, then go for it.

Otherwise save yourself the money and opt for the fixed version. The most important step is to work with a reputable roofing contractor. A good contractor will install only high-quality skylights that will stand the test of time—and weather.

If you have questions about skylight installation in your home or office, contact us at Dr. Roof for a free estimate.

Posted on by Dr. Roof, Inc
Skylights: Let the Sun Shine!

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